This Iztoss vehicles anti-theft alarm keyless entry system is powered by the vehicles 12v electrical system with a working voltage of 12v DC and a load current of 0.15a. The remote control will lock and unlock the vehicle’s doors and operates at 315mhz to 433.92mhz frequency and is powered by a CR2016 button battery at 3v which is not include in the box. In addition, the remote control has a working distance of 100 meters (328yrs.). This advanced keyless entry system is safe and convenient to use. In addition, it also can lock and unlocks the trunk. The system has a highly sensitive sensor for a quick response in times of needs. It has an output current of 10a, a dynamic torsion of 4.5kg to 5.5kg, and a static torsion of more than 3kg. The working temperature is -30deg.C to 65deg.C (-22deg.F to 149deg.F). In addition, this one-way anti-theft system is suitable for all kinds of vehicles with w 12v DC electrical system. What you get in the box with the Iztoss vehicles anti-theft alarm keyless entry system is 1-control box, 2-remote controller, 1-cable, 4- motor, 4-metal bar, 4-metal buckle, 5-sheetmetal, 20-screw, and the owner’s manual.
Shipping and Product Information |
Dimensions: |
Unknown |
Shipped From: |
China |
Shipping Size: |
7.60”x 5.94”x 3.15” |
Shipping Time: (only) |
25 Days |
30 Days |
Weight: |
1.96 |
lbs. |
Main Material: |
Mutable Materials |
Shipping Weight: |
2.21 |
lbs. |
Color: |
Multicolor |
Load Capacity: |
Not Apply |
Model: |
3256802207844551 |